Human Design Reading

Human Design sits at the intersection between astrology and I-ching. This reading uses your date, location and time of birth to evaluate your energetic blueprint. It uses astrology to tell you what area of your life the specific energy will affect you and I-ching to associate those specific energies with our energy portals (chakras) contained in our etheric body. Through this combined analysis you gain insight into where you influence other people’s energy and where they influence yours. In addition, you get to inner-stand the characteristics of your feminine or subconscious energy which is often hidden from us and the characteristics of your masculine energy or conscious energy which you are often familiar. Human Design is a great tool because you can come up with a strategy that will consistently keep you in alignment with your personal energy.

In this reading, you will receive a video that is about 1-2.5 hours long discussing your energetic profile, knowledge on how your energy appears in the positive and negative state, guidance on how to navigate your specific energy along with affirmations to incorporate, a copy of your chart and access to me after to answer any questions you may have !

Mini: Overview of Energy Profile and Centers

Full: Overview of Energy Gates and Channels

Mommy and Me: Comparison of Parent to Child/s Chart and Guidance on how to energetically parent your Child/s

Mini Reading $35

Full Reading $80

Mommy and Me Reading $89

Reviews Below:

“Omg when I say this is the most accurate reading I have ever had it’s scary how on point everything is even to digest even to I like assistant and routine but also can’t stay on routine when it comes to a diet are something like that this gave me some great learning points about myself. I am definitely on the right path because you came right on time funny we had listen to the same person on TikTok because that’s how I found out I was a projector and my husband was a generator but you had way more details about things even the point of me getting ideas and wanting to share them because I be so impulsive that it feel like it’s going to burst out of me but I’ve learned not to tell everyone everything. I love your podcast I saw you on TikTok when you talked about Terrance Howard  and just went in your bio saw you had a podcast and started listening to it then heard there you do human design reading and was like I want to do this because this is what I’m currently learning about and this was just wow”

— Chaneka; Full

“Taja !!! Girllll you are so gifted. Thank you for being obedient to God and allowing Him to work through you to use your gifts to help others along this crazy journey called life. 

I feel so blessed that God led me to you. You come through my FYP on TikTok. I have been feeling stuck and in a place of transition.

Your reading was right on point. I laughed a few times, because I was like man she called me out (Lol). Thank you again. I needed this. Now I have the tools I need to continue on my journey. I sent you a donation, because I appreciate you going over the 30mins to finish my reading. I will definitely reach out if I have questions as continue to learn about my human design results.

Gods Blessings to you.”

— Natalya; Mini

“Grand risings Taja! I just want to say THANK YOU! I cried listening to this lol because it’s like a lot of things  came full circle for me , the first time I just listened, now I’m going back to to take notes and listen! When you mentioned me having pure energy at a certain part, it sounds crazy but during the eclipse when I actually stared into it it’s like I felt a burst of that that energy, I meditated during that too! I do have lots of questions! But I’m gonna go back and take notes first , and now that you mention, it is so hard for me to just be the observer and just wait for a response, I was saying to my self so much and have been so hard on myself because I truly only think with my emotions, and now that I know my thoughts aren’t really mine I feel I could have prevented so much heartbreaks and prevented me from being so naive , that’s the main thing everyone use to say about me. Again I thank you so much for giving me the tools , resources, and breaking it down! I will definitely be reaching back out with questions lol , my apologies ahead of time! I hope you have the most amazing day! 💕💕

— Nadia; Full

“Thank you again, I rewatched it again and wow! Some many aha moments. I will work to implement the strategies you have given. I feel more equipped to go out there and be my complete self”

— Kay; Full

  “Thank you SO MUCH!! You are a gift to the world, an Oracle and I love seeing your tik toks pop up,I learn something each and every time!! Keep pushing my sistah! ”

“Hi Taja! Hubby and I are taking our time watching the video. We want this info to really sink in. We are amazed so far and we've implemented a few tidbits you suggested! !”

— Shelly; Mommy and Me

“Taj.. girl.. thank you so much! I just finished watching the video. I still need to unpack some of the information - I will be rewatching this again and again for sure. Thank you for being in alignment with your purpose so that you can help people like me. For the first time in my life I have so much clarity and feel so understood. Words can’t explain how helpful this was for me, you did amazing job explaining everything with examples etc. 10/10 experience I will be definitely reaching out with questions and staying connected. Thank you again❤️🙌🏾”

— Amira; Full